Art: When reading a book, mind creates its own images that reflect the perception of the story. Young minds are the same way. The fixed concepts are not there so there is an endless possibility of creativity in a fresh mind. Thus, creativity is natural and cannot be taught but skills can be taught. So that’s what we focus on. We introduce children to the techniques and skills so they can apply it to their own thoughts. For example, we guide with holding the paint brushes instead of painting in the ditto sketch, or technique of maneuvering a scissor to track a line to cut rather than cutting out a printed square.
As children master their skills applying those skills to create their own masterpieces are just the beginning of fun. Children often learn skills together and then apply them individually to meet their personal goals and experiences. Children practice and then apply these skills with the exception of mediocre art ‘projects’. The project that children work on are created by children in a group effort and are merely the projection of their own thoughts and ideas making them more meaningful to them.
Music: Montessori Cares has music time on weekly basis. Children learn to use musical instruments, songs and poems. Children tend to clear their speech with the help of tunes and lyrics that are repetitive. It also helps them with memory and definitely builds their confidence.